Finding myself at a bit of a loose end this afternoon, and very little is inspiring me creatively, so I thought I would post a few photos of us with some players that we’ve met. We don’t have many photos with players as, believe it or not, we’re actually quite shy and don’t like to bother them, although they all seem to know who we are, which is still a little weird for us. So, in chronological order, here we go:
With Ronnie O’Sullivan at our first Champion of Champions in 2014. We know how hard it is to get a photo with Ronnie, so we were quite honoured when he agreed.
With Mark Selby at an exhibition in Newbury, May 2015. Neither of us likes how we look in this photo, but Mark was so kind to us and it was such a brilliant night that I had to include it.With John Higgins at the CoC in 2015. I don’t think he was sure who we were at this point, but the next year when he won the whole tournament, he bought us a drink as a thank-you for our support!With Barry Hawkins backstage at the CoC, 2015. This was kind of a random encounter when we got taken for a backstage tour and he happened to be sitting in the tournament office!With Mark Allen, CoC 2015. We waited an hour to get this photo, as Mark had gone to the loo during the match, and subsequently couldn’t do his drug test after he’d won – refs and security were fetching him water and orange juice from the bar! With Alan McManus, CoC 2015. Was so happy to get this photo, and Alan is ever-obliging to fans who want a pic.With Anthony McGill, CoC 2016. Ants had just lost his match but was still happy to pose with us. Note: I know it LOOKS like I’m touching his bum in the photo, but I’m REALLY not.With Neal Foulds, CoC 2018. I had no idea how blurry this photo was until I cranked it up in Photoshop. Oops!With Kyren Wilson, CoC 2018. Kyren, again, had just lost the final, but was still pleased to have a photo.Some refs! (CoC 2018) Brendan Moore, Desi Bozhilova and Paul Collier, with Security Mark doing an oh-so-subtle photobomb.With Alan again, at an exhibition in Flimby, May 2019.
We would love to see your photos with players, refs, commentators etc., so do give us a shout on Twitter with them!