Year: 2018

Goths at the English Open 2018 in Crawley

Hi! We got back from the English Open yesterday after doing the first three days, and we really enjoyed it. See our thoughts on YouTube!

Goths On The (Vintage) Tube

Back last month, we went on a rice on a 1938 stock Tube train from Amersham to Watford and spent some of the afternoon in Amersham Old Town for their Heritage Day. Check us out in our video below!

The Snooker Goths are now on YouTube!

We asked for some questions to answer, and people were kind enough to oblige. Watch our Q&A video below:

Product Review: Herman’s Amazing Direct Hair Color – Marge Blue

***DISCLAIMER: This product was given to me for free to trial. I am in no way affiliated with the company (although very grateful for the sample!). All opinions are my own.*** It’s my birthday tomorrow, and my hair has been blue for a while (Crazy Color Capri Blue, to be precise – recommended!), but having […]

Billy O’Connor Memorial Day: 22nd June 2018

Firstly, sorry this post has gone up so late, but it has been a busy few days for us, not least with Red celebrating her birthday on Tuesday (I won’t tell you how old, or she’ll glare at me and I’ll feel guilty). I know I don’t post enough on here as-is, but I wanted […]
